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Author: homebug
Cheap Electricity for 10 days only! (Update: 20th June 2023)
It’s been a long time since we reminded you of this – but here we go – you only have 10 days until the price of electricity goes up by almost 18% (in the City of Cape Town at least). So get them whilst they are cheap! Once again we’re bringing you some AMAZING news.…
One day left – Eskom Price rises hit tomorrow
Tomorrow, April 1st, Eskom will be rising it’s prices for all direct customers. You’ve got just today left to ‘top up your tank’ before the price rises by 12.7%. But you need to be smart about it. If you just go out and fill-up, you could be paying 70% more than you need to.
Get ready for R2000 electricity bills
Eskom have indeed officially asked for a 25% increase in tariffs starting in April/July this year. This means that prices for a typical houseshold consuming around 1000kwh each month can expect bills over R2000 each month by 2017.
Return on investment *UPDATE*
We decided to update our Return on Investment spreadsheet to make it work a bit better for Solar PV investments.
Sunshine banking – How to REALLY calculate Return on Investment for solar, LEDs, anything!
Lots of energy saving devices require big investments in upfront equipment. Solar Water Heaters, LED lights, Photovoltaics and Heat Pumps all require big expenditure to get going. They make up for that expense by saving you money in the long term. But how do you decide whether it is best to put your money into your…
Will your tank last until the price drop?
From Wednesday, Petrol will be 45c per litre cheaper everywhere in South Africa. So if you’re not quite empty, then hold on until after Wednesday; and if you are, maybe don’t fill up all the way! It works the same way for electricity too. If you’re on a domestic tariff, it may be MUCH…
How far we’ve come – a history of electricity tariffs
Inspired by a forum post on mybroadband, I decided to dig into my history books and pull out what the old electricity tariffs were. It turns out that a house that was paying R500 per month in 2008, will be paying R2000 in 2018, but surprisingly it’s not always been price increases ever year.
Shocking electricity prices – not surprising!
With all the talk this week of Eskom being effectively bailed out by the government, you might have missed one killer detail. It’s not just future taxes that we’ll have to pay to keep Eskom going, but also we’ll be hit in the pocket in our electricity bills. Maybe as much as R12,000 extra on…
More Load Shedding?
Saw a handy hint from the Citizen today – we may have just escaped Load Shedding this week, but tonight and Thursday could be tight: “Demand for Tuesday and Wednesday evening peak periods were expected to reach 32 830 MW while supply was expected to flounder at just under 32 300 MW – a hefty 530…
All things being equal
It’s been a while since we added to our quick and handy tool set. So it’s about time we put some of the big users in the home into context. When we talk about 1 unit of electricity, or 1 kilowatt-hour (kwh) it can be confusing as to what that really means. So hopefully the…