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Tag: Save
Eskom Electricity Easter Special (buy 100 get 10 free!)
It’s the most wonderful time of the year… not Christmas, not Easter. It’s cheap Electricity hack day! Okay it’s not buy 100 get 10 free, but it is save 12.7% on units you buy now, rather than later – as long as you are smart! That’s right! If you are on Eskom prepaid at this…
How far we’ve come – a history of electricity tariffs
Inspired by a forum post on mybroadband, I decided to dig into my history books and pull out what the old electricity tariffs were. It turns out that a house that was paying R500 per month in 2008, will be paying R2000 in 2018, but surprisingly it’s not always been price increases ever year.
All things being equal
It’s been a while since we added to our quick and handy tool set. So it’s about time we put some of the big users in the home into context. When we talk about 1 unit of electricity, or 1 kilowatt-hour (kwh) it can be confusing as to what that really means. So hopefully the…
Understanding Solar Water Heaters
Solar water heaters are a great, useful and money-saving device. But if you’re a household looking for Solar Water Heater you might get a bit lost with all the promises of “save up to 30% on your electricity bill”, “save over 50% on your heating”. I was recently walking around Builders Warehouse and spotted a flyer for…
Municipality price rises – what can you do?
Following on from our article in March on the Eskom price increases and how you can at least delay your price rise, we thought it might make sense to give you a bit more warning about the municipality price rises in July. The headlines are – pretty much everyone is getting an 6-8% price rise.
Should I stock up before the Eskom price rise?
It’s that time of year again – electricity prices are increasing. On Tuesday (1st April), Eskom buyers will see a price increase of 8% whereas Municipalities will increase their prices on 1st July. You can delay or avoid that rise by being smarter about how much you buy, right now! For a household that normally…
The story of the bump in the night…
It was a dark and stormy night and not a creature stirred across the entire Cape of Good Hope. Children were wrapped up tightly in their beds and grandpa snorred in the chair. No-one knew what was about to occur… no-one could guess what tragedy was about to befall them.