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Author: homebug
Should I stock up before the Eskom price rise?
It’s that time of year again – electricity prices are increasing. On Tuesday (1st April), Eskom buyers will see a price increase of 8% whereas Municipalities will increase their prices on 1st July. You can delay or avoid that rise by being smarter about how much you buy, right now! For a household that normally…
Off-grid vs On-grid – Solar Panel example
Going off-grid may seem exciting and for many people it’s part of a vision of being self-reliance. For many going completely off grid can be expensive — it’s actually much easier and cheaper to use the ‘grid’ as your battery. You get paid when you produce more than you can use right now, and you…
Phone chargers – drips or leaks?
If you’re looking at reducing your electricity bill lots of people will tell you: “Unplug your chargers/transformers when not charging items, as they still draw power. These include cell phone, digital camera, battery and cordless hand vacuum/tool chargers.” This is one of the the ‘easy’ ways lots of people think they can reduce their energy…
The story of the bump in the night…
It was a dark and stormy night and not a creature stirred across the entire Cape of Good Hope. Children were wrapped up tightly in their beds and grandpa snorred in the chair. No-one knew what was about to occur… no-one could guess what tragedy was about to befall them.
Reducing your Tariff
You might think it’s impossible to reduce your tariff – and in some ways you’re probably right. Whoever connects your electricity will supply it your home forever. If you’ve recently de-emigrated from the UK, you might be relieved by not having to change suppliers every year to get the best deal. If you want a…